*It is block of code that together perform a task.
*In C programming at least one function is present Is main().
*WITHOUT main we can make any program in c lnguage.
*We Can Devide Our Code In Diffrent Function By Two Part.
1)Fuction Declaration:
2)Function Definition:
Now We Will Understand Abouut These Fuction Parts.
1)Function Declration:-
*A function declaration tells the compiler about a
function name and how to callthe function.
*Fuction Declration Has Following Syntax.
return_type function_name( parameters list );
return_type:=datatype which return by function
Function name:-Name Of The Function Which You Want
Paremeter List:-It Is List Of Argument Which Have To Pass.
For Example:-
int min(int x,int y); or int min(int ,int);
*Function declaration is required when you define a function in
one source file all that function in another file.
2)Fuction Definition:-
*It The Acrual Body Of Function. It Means The code is written in
This section Which Task Have To Perform:
Syntax For function Definition-
return_type function_name( parameter list )
body of the function
The return_type,function_name, Parameters Is Defined Above.
*Function Body:-The function body contains a collection of statements
that define what the function does.
Example (Function definition)
Given Example Is The Source Code For A Fuction Called min().This Function
Take Two Parameters X,Y(integers) And It Returns minimum Of X,y
/* function returning the min between two numbers */
int max(int X, int Y)
/* local variable declaration */
int result;
if (X < Y)
result = X;
result = Y;
return result;
Calling A Function:-
*When a program calls a function, the program control is transferred
to the called function
*A called function performs a defined task and when its return statement
is executed or when its function-ending closing brace is reached, it then
returns program control back to the main program.
*For Calling A Fumction We Need To pass the required parameters along with
the function name, and if the function returns a value, then you can store
the returned value.
Example Program:-
#include <stdio.h>
int max(int n1, int n2); //function declaration
int main ()
/* local variable definition */
int x = 10;
int y = 20;
int ret;
/* calling a function to get max value */
ret = min(x, y);
printf( "Min value is = %d\n", ret );
return 0;
int min(int n1, int n2) //FUNCTION DEFINITION
/* local variable declaration */
int result;
if (n1 < n2)
result = n1;
result = n2;
return result;
Output Of This Program Is Given In Picture:-
- : Thanks A Lot :-
*It is block of code that together perform a task.
*In C programming at least one function is present Is main().
*WITHOUT main we can make any program in c lnguage.
*We Can Devide Our Code In Diffrent Function By Two Part.
1)Fuction Declaration:
2)Function Definition:
Now We Will Understand Abouut These Fuction Parts.
1)Function Declration:-
*A function declaration tells the compiler about a
function name and how to callthe function.
*Fuction Declration Has Following Syntax.
return_type function_name( parameters list );
return_type:=datatype which return by function
Function name:-Name Of The Function Which You Want
Paremeter List:-It Is List Of Argument Which Have To Pass.
For Example:-
int min(int x,int y); or int min(int ,int);
*Function declaration is required when you define a function in
one source file all that function in another file.
2)Fuction Definition:-
*It The Acrual Body Of Function. It Means The code is written in
This section Which Task Have To Perform:
Syntax For function Definition-
return_type function_name( parameter list )
body of the function
The return_type,function_name, Parameters Is Defined Above.
*Function Body:-The function body contains a collection of statements
that define what the function does.
Example (Function definition)
Given Example Is The Source Code For A Fuction Called min().This Function
Take Two Parameters X,Y(integers) And It Returns minimum Of X,y
/* function returning the min between two numbers */
int max(int X, int Y)
/* local variable declaration */
int result;
if (X < Y)
result = X;
result = Y;
return result;
Calling A Function:-
*When a program calls a function, the program control is transferred
to the called function
*A called function performs a defined task and when its return statement
is executed or when its function-ending closing brace is reached, it then
returns program control back to the main program.
*For Calling A Fumction We Need To pass the required parameters along with
the function name, and if the function returns a value, then you can store
the returned value.
Example Program:-
#include <stdio.h>
int max(int n1, int n2); //function declaration
int main ()
int x = 10;
int y = 20;
int ret;
/* calling a function to get max value */
ret = min(x, y);
printf( "Min value is = %d\n", ret );
return 0;
int min(int n1, int n2) //FUNCTION DEFINITION
/* local variable declaration */
int result;
if (n1 < n2)
result = n1;
result = n2;
return result;
Output Of This Program Is Given In Picture:-
- : Thanks A Lot :-
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